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Lib Dems: Axing Taxes NOT Services

by Peter Seib on 2 March, 2015

In a surprise move, the Lib Dem leadership of South Somerset District Council has reduced your Council Tax for 2015/16 to the lowest level since 2009.

Good financial management means that SSDC has been able to protect services, despite a 60% (£5.4m) cut in central government Rate Support Grant funding since 2011. The government’s own “heat map” shows combined Council Tax, Rate Support Grant and New Homes Bonus and confirms that despite one of the highest NHB settlements (we have focused on building affordable homes) South Somerset has little help.

SSDC’s budget in 2015/16 will still be £17.4m, just slightly higher than in 2011/12. To do this we have had to compensate for the grant loss, earning much more with our estate and resources and by making back-office savings. We have moved some discretionary services into charitable foundations to protect them. Despite all this we have still managed to spend £7.6m on capital projects over the last 4 years.

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